Platform Gallery
(Web App Design)

A collection of internal Platforms and their Products to aid development

"Build Upon Great Foundations

Client: Fidelity Investments
Duration: Oct 2021 - Mar 2022 (6 months)

Design Team Size

Design Lead

~250 users / month

Design System
Providence, Helios

Device Type
Desktop Web

Figma, Mural


The Challenge

To enable faster growth, efficiency and scalability, there is a need to reuse Products on existing Platforms, just one problem... where are these Platforms? And how can developers and leaders get started? 

Our Solution

To get users from different personas to get started on using a Platform's Product, deep research was done to understand what these personas cared about - these aspects were then crafted into an app store-like view that emphasizes quick-glance understanding and easy discoverability.

Draft Version

Final Version

Skills Applied

Content Strategy, Design Lead, Graphic Design, Information Architecture, Interaction Design, Product Design, UI Design, UX Analyst / Design Ops, UX Design, UX Researcher, UX Strategy, UX Writing, Visual Design


Confirmed Project Goal Brief with Stakeholders > Defined Target Personas > Conducted Qualitative Research (Persona User Interviews) > Identified Information (UI features) Important to Personas > Created Low then High Fidelity Mock-ups > Conducted Intermittent Mock-up Research > Verified and Presented Design to Stakeholders > Approved UX Handover to Developers

1/6 Empathize

UX Research

To better understand what exactly users wanted to see on the site before they would use a Platform's Product(s), I sought to understand these users via Qualitative research.

Qualitative Research 

Conducted a discovery study via 2 User Interviews; One representing an owner of a Platform and the other, a developer - a user of Platforms

Insights Gained:

2/6 Define


The users of the gallery were primarily split into 2 groups:
Producers - content providers of the gallery and
Consumers - users of the gallery to find Platforms and their products

Mariah (She/Her)

Category: Decision Maker
Role: Tech Lead
Age: 33
Experience: 12 years

"I need to understand what products are available to use and what they provide so that I can have my team adopt them in order to accelerate the delivery of my product"

Imaan (He/Him)

Category: Decision Implementer
Role: Developer
Age: 27
Experience: 5 years

"I need to find and use detailed enough information to implement solutions"

Maki (They/Them)

Category: Decision Influencer
Role: Chapter Leader
Age: 37
Experience: 14 years

"I need to find available solutions so that I can understand their value for solving my business problems"

Kendi (She/Her)

Category: Solution Author
Role: Product Owner
Age: 44
Experience: 20 years

"I need to be able to provide compelling marketing content that enables potential customers to be able to easily see the value proposition in my product and onboard so that I can acquire customers"

Defined Features to Build

Major Features

Minor Features

3/6 Ideate

 Multiple sites were used to forage ideas for the different types of views we wanted to implement. Ex. ThemeForest - for the homepage grid-view, Visual Studio Marketplace for Platform/Product card inspiration, iOS App Store - for an icon and banner look, and many more.

4/6 Prototype

A set of high fidelity mock-ups to bring the creative ideas to life

5/6 Test

Qualitative Research 

After high-fidelity mock-ups were drafted, more Usability Studies and User Interviews were conducted with 2 individuals to test the Figma Prototype.

Insights Gained:

6/6 Implement



Lessons Learned